Livello principianti

  Unit Sk punti  Grammaticali
A0 1 2 To Be
A0 1 3 A
A0 1 3 An
A0 1 4 Have Got
A0 1 5 Present Simple
A0 1 6 Adverbs Of Frequency
A0 1 7 Question Words
A0 1 8 There Is / There Are
A0 1 9 Can
A0 1 10 Time Prepositions
A0 1 11 Place Prepositions
A0 1 12 Present Continuous


Livello A1 - elementare

  Unit Sk punti Grammaticali
A1 1 1 Present Tense Verb "To Be"
A1 1 3 Present Tense Verb "To Be"
A1 1 4 Affermative, Negative, Interrogative Form; Present Tense Verb "To Be"; Short Answers
A1 1 5 Possessive Adjectives
A1 2 1 Verb "To Have"
A1 2 4 Affermative, Negative, Interrogative Form; Present Tense Verb "To Have"
A1 2 5 Indefinite And Definite Articles
A1 2 6 Demonstratives: This/These; That/Those
A1 2 7 Possessive Adjectives
A1 2 9 Adjectives
A1 2 10 Plural Nouns
A1 3 1 Countable And Uncountable Nouns; Modals; Some/Any; There Is / There Are
A1 3 4 Affermative, Negative, Interrogative Form; Modals
A1 3 5 Some/Any; There Is / There Are
A1 3 7 Countable And Uncountable Nouns
A1 4 1 Adverbs Of Frequency; Cardinal And Ordinal Numbers; Present Simple
A1 4 4 Affermative, Negative, Interrogative Form; Do; Present Simple
A1 4 6 Adverbs Of Frequency
A1 4 7 Cardinal And Ordinal Numbers
A1 5 1 Alphabet; Days Of The Week; Months Of The Year; Prepositions Of Time: At, On, In; Present Continuous; Present Simple; Revision: To Be, To Have, Can; Seasons
A1 5 4 Revision: To Be, To Have, Can
A1 5 5 Prepositions Of Time: At, On, In
A1 5 7 Present Continuous; Present Simple
A1 5 8 Alphabet
A1 5 9 Days Of The Week; Months Of The Year; Seasons
A1 6 1 Have To; Imperative; Must; Object Pronuons; Word Order
A1 6 4 Have To; Imperative; Must
A1 6 5 Object Pronuons
A1 6 7 Word Order
A1 7 1 Colours And Shapes; Dates; Large Numbers; Possessive Genitive; Possessive Pronuons; Present Continuous
A1 7 4 Present Continuous
A1 7 5 Possessive Genitive; Possessive Pronuons
A1 7 7 Dates; Large Numbers
A1 7 8 Colours And Shapes
A1 8 1 A Lot; Adverbs Of Quantity; Many; Much; Simple Past Of The Verb "To Be"
A1 8 4 Simple Past Of The Verb "To Be"
A1 8 5 A Lot; Much; Many; Adverbs Of Quantity
A1 9 1 Past Simple; Prepositions Of The Place And Movement; The Verb "To Like" And The Preposition "Like"
A1 9 4 Affermative, Negative, Interrogative Form; Past Simple
A1 9 5 Prepositions Of The Place And Movement
A1 9 7 The Verb "To Like" And The Preposition "Like"
A1 10 1 Get; Irregular Verbs; Let; Wh-Questions
A1 10 4 Irregular Verbs
A1 10 5 Wh-Questions Words
A1 10 7 Verbs "To Get" And "To Let"
A1 10 8 Giving Directions
A1 11 1 Compounds Of Some; Any; No; Every
A1 11 4 All; Every
A1 11 5 Irregular Verbs
A1 11 7 Compounds Of Some; Any; No; Every
A1 12 1 Comparative And Superlative; Impersonal "You"; Necessaties And Abilities In The Past
A1 12 4 Necessaties And Abilities In The Past
A1 12 5 Comparative And Superlative
A1 12 7 Impersonal "You"
A1 13 1 Future; Relative Pronouns; Adverbs
A1 13 4 Relative Pronouns
A1 13 5 Future
A1 13 7 Adverbs


Livello A2 - pre-intermedio

  Unit Sk punti Grammaticali
A2 01 1 Modals; Present Continuous; Present Simple
A2 01 2 Can; Modals
A2 01 3 Can; Interrogative Form; Present Continuous; Present Simple
A2 01 4 Adverbs Of Frequency; Present Continuous; Present Simple
A2 01 5 Modals
A2 01 7 Do
A2 02 1 Past Continuous; Past Simple; Reflexive Pronouns
A2 02 3 Reflexive Pronuons
A2 02 4 Past Continuous; Past Simple
A2 02 5 Reflexive Pronuons
A2 02 6 Reflexive Pronuons
A2 02 7 Simple Present For Timetables
A2 03 1 Modals: Have To; Must; Need; Should
A2 03 3 Modals
A2 03 4 Modals: Have To; Must; Need; Should
A2 03 5 Question Tags
A2 03 6 Question Tags
A2 04 1 Can; Could; Indefinite Pronuons And Adjectives; Manage To; Was/Were Able To
A2 04 3 Can; Could; Manage To; To Be Able To
A2 04 4 Indefinite Pronuons And Adjectives
A2 04 5 Make And Do
A2 04 6 Make And Do
A2 05 1 Modals For Giving Advice: Had Better; Should; To Be Used To; To Get Used To
A2 05 3 Had Better; Used To
A2 05 4 Had Better; Should
A2 05 5 Used To
A2 05 6 Had Better; Used To
A2 05 7 To Be Used To; To Get Used To
A2 06 1 Future
A2 06 4 Future
A2 07 1 Conditional
A2 07 6 Get
A2 07 7 Get
A2 08 1 Comparative And Superlative
A2 08 1 Verbs Followed By The "Ing" Form Or Infinite
A2 08 4 Verbs Followed By The "Ing" Form Or Infinite
A2 08 5 Comparative And Superlative
A2 08 7 Say/Tell
A2 09 1 For; Present Perfect; Since
A2 09 3 Just And Yet; Never And Ever; Present Perfect
A2 09 4 The Difference Between Present Perfect And Past Simple; Present Perfect
A2 09 5 For; Present Perfect With "For" And "Since" And Time Expressions; Since
A2 09 7 Been And Gone
A2 10 1 Question Words; Relative Pronouns; Unless
A2 10 4 Unless
A2 10 5 Question Words
A2 10 6 Relative Pronouns
A2 11 1 Subject Sentences; The Passive
A2 11 4 The Passive
A2 11 5 Subject Questions
A2 11 7 Phrasal Verbs
A2 12 1 Gerund; Reported Speech; Want And Would Like
A2 12 4 Reported Speech
A2 12 5 Want And Would Like
A2 12 6 The Gerund As A Subject


Livello B1 - intermedio

  Unit Sk punti Grammaticali
B1 1 1 Adverbs Of Frequency; Present Continuous; Present Simple; Stative Verbs; Verb To Get;Verbs Associated To Daily Routines
B1 1 3 Adverbs Of Frequency; Present Continuous; Present Simple; Stative Verbs
B1 1 5 Verbs Associated To Daily Routines
B1 1 6 The Verb "To Get"
B1 1 7 Make And Do
B1 2 1 Indirect Questions; Question Tags; Question Recognition: Subject And Object Questions; Quantifiers; Offers And Requests
B1 2 3 Indirect Questions; Question Tags; Subject And Object Questions
B1 2 4 Quantifiers
B1 2 5 Offers And Requests
B1 2 6 Complaints / Apologies
B1 3 1 Past Simple; Present Perfect; Used To; Would
B1 3 3 Present Perfect And Past Simple; Used To; Would
B1 3 4 As And Like
B1 4 1 Ask; Linking Words; Past Continuous; Past Perfect; Reported Speech Or Indirect Speech; Say/Tell
B1 4 3 Past Continuous; Past Simple
B1 4 4 Linking Words
B1 4 6 Say/Tell
B1 4 7 Reported Speech Or Indirect Speech
B1 5 1 Comparative And Superlative; Past Perfect Continuous; Prefixes And Suffixes; Present Prefect Continuous; Would Rather
B1 5 3 Past Perfect Continuous; Present Prefect Continuous
B1 5 4 Comparative And Superlative; Would Rather
B1 5 5 Prefixes And Suffixes
B1 6 1 For; Past Continuous; Past Perfect; Past Perfect Continuous; Past Simple; Present Continuous; Present Perfect; Present Prefect Continuous; Present Simple; Since; The Continuous Form
B1 6 3 For; Since; The Continuous Form
B1 7 1 Conditional; Past Simple; Wish
B1 7 3 Can; Could; Have To; May Or Might; Modals With Other Tenses; To Be Able To; Should; Shall; Ought To; Need; Must
B1 7 4 Conditional; Regrets
B1 7 6 Prefixes And Suffixes; Stem Or Root Words; Word Building
B1 8 1 Clauses Of Purpose; Future; Time Clauses; To Agree An Disagree
B1 8 3 Future; Time Clauses
B1 8 4 Clauses Of Purpose
B1 8 6 To Agree And Disagree
B1 9 1 Defining And Non-Defining Relative Clauses; Verbs Followed By "To + Infinitive"; Verbs Followed By The Gerund
B1 9 3 Defining And Non-Defining Relative Clauses
B1 9 4 Verbs Followed By Gerund Or Infinitive
B1 9 5 Education; Physical Actions And Appearance
B1 10 1 Have/ Get Something Done; The Passive; Transitive And Intransitive Verbs; Verbs With Two Objects
B1 10 3 Transitive And Intransitive Verbs; Verbs With Two Subjects
B1 10 4 Passive Form
B1 10 5 Have/ Get Something Done
B1 10 7 Use Of Should And Shouldn't
B1 10 8 Giving An Opinion
B1 11 1 Phrasal Verbs; Reported Speech; Verbs Which Are Similar
B1 11 3 Reported Speech
B1 11 5 Special Verbs - Lay Or Lie
B1 11 6 Special Verbs-Bring, Take, Fetch
B1 11 7 Phrasal Verbs
B1 12 1 Definitive And Indefinitive Articles
B1 12 4 A; An; Indefinite And Definite Articles; The
B1 12 5 Uncontable And Contable Noun
B1 12 6 A Little; Countable And Uncountable Nouns; Few; Many; Much; Some/Any


Livello B1plus - intermedio avanzato 

  Unit Sk punti Grammaticali
B1+ 1 1 Adjectives; Sensation Verbs; Present Simple Vs Present Continuous; Phrasal Verbs; Ing Form Or Infinitive; Articles And Quantifiers
B1+ 1 4 Prepositions; Present Continuous; Present Simple; Stative Verbs; Verbs Following By -Ing Or Infinitive
B1+ 1 5 Articles And Quantifiers
B1+ 1 7 Adjectives; Word Formation
B1+ 1 8 Phrasal Verbs; Prepositions
B1+ 1 12 Formal And Informal English; Language Features
B1+ 2 1 Defining And Non-Defining Relative Clauses; Differences Used To, Would, Be Used To, Get Used To; Prefixes And Suffixes; Phrasal Verbs; Past Simple; Past Continuous
B1+ 2 4 Get Used To; Would/Used To; Past Simple; Past Continuous
B1+ 2 5 Defining And Non-Defining Relative Clauses
B1+ 2 7 Prefixes And Suffixes; Word Formation
B1+ 2 8 Phrasal Verbs
B1+ 3 1 Indirect Questions; Phrasal Verbs; Prefixes And Suffixes; Present And Past Perfect Continuous; Present And Past Perfect Simple; Question Tags
B1+ 3 4 For; Have Been Or Have Gone; Past Perfect Simple And Continuous; Present Perfect Simple And Continuous; Since
B1+ 3 5 Indirect Questions; Question Tags; Subject And Object Questions
B1+ 3 7 Function Language; Presentation Language; Word Formation
B1+ 3 8 Idioms; Phrasal Verbs
B1+ 4 1 Forming Nouns From Root Words; Future; Phrasal Verbs; Modals; Linking Words
B1+ 4 4 Future; Future Continuous; Linking Words; Going To Verb
B1+ 4 5 Modals; To Be Able To
B1+ 4 7 Expressions For Planing Events, Timetable; Forming Nouns From Root Words; Meeting Expressions; Prefixes And Suffixes
B1+ 4 8 Phrasal Verbs
B1+ 5 1 Adverbs And Adjectives From "Root" Word; Conditional; Confusing Words; Phrasal Verbs
B1+ 5 4 Conditional
B1+ 5 5 Confusing Words
B1+ 5 6 Conditional
B1+ 5 8 If/Unless
B1+ 5 10 Prefixes And Suffixes
B1+ 5 11 Phrasal Verbs
B1+ 6 1 Forming Nouns From Root Words; Phrasal Verbs; Prepositions
B1+ 6 4 Reported Speech
B1+ 6 5 Verbs And Prepositions
B1+ 6 7 Suffixes For Forming Verbs
B1+ 6 8 Phrasal Verbs
B1+ 7 1 Modals; Phrasal Verbs; Should; May; Might; Can; Could; Using Must, Have To, Need To
B1+ 7 4 Could Have; Have To; May Have; Might Have; Must; Must Have; Need; Need To
B1+ 7 5 Phrasal Verbs With Adverb Or Preposition Or Both; Transitive Or Intransitive
B1+ 8 1 As And Like; Comparative And Superlative; Compound Words; Passive Form; Phrasal Verbs
B1+ 8 4 Passive Form; Transitive And Intransitive Verb
B1+ 8 5 Like And As
B1+ 8 6 Comparative And Superlative
B1+ 8 9 Phrasal Verbs
B1+ 8 10 Compound Words
B1+ 8 17 Summaries
B1+ 9 1 Adjectives; Verb; Causative Form; Noun Collocations; Prefixes And Suffixes; Prepositions
B1+ 9 4 Future Perfect Simple; Will And Would
B1+ 9 5 Causative Form
B1+ 9 6 Verbs With 2 Objects
B1+ 9 8 Prepositions Combinations
B1+ 9 10 Prefixes And Suffixes
B1+ 9 11 Phrasal Verbs
B1+ 9 17 Demand For Payment
B1+ 10 1 Case; In Case Of; As Long As; Unless; Subjunctive; Word Formation
B1+ 10 4 Should As; Subjunctive
B1+ 10 5 Case; In Case Of; As Long As; Unless
B1+ 10 6 Participles Adjectives
B1+ 10 9 Compound Words; Word Formation
B1+ 10 10 Word Formation